Sunday, February 15, 2009

fun with SHARPIES

found these boring white canvas shoes; they were cheap tho so I bought a pair and stayed up late last night drawing all over them with sharpies. My head is still kinda weird-feeling from all the fumes, but it was worth it. They are currently my favorite article of clothing that i own.♥

okay, so these aren't really good pics of the shoes, but they're perty cool, right?

yay! spring is near!! I spotted these little guys in my front yard..I will be keeping my eye on them and marking their progress as they bloom (i'm thinking they're crocuses but I can't remember from last spring...)

hugs! xx


sammi-lise ^_^ said...

those are some wicked shoes, you have such artistic talent!

Irene said...

They are great. I still have a pare of shoes just like yours but I don't know what to draw.

Demi said...

thank you honey :)
and WOW! they are amazingg! i love them!


sammi-lise ^_^ said...

oh! thanks :)

my size is 8.5

Jesse said...

thank you so much, you're so sweet!
Very funky shoes btw :)
love xx

Anonymous said...

gorgeous drawings, they turned out really nice!!